The Skybrary
Airbrake Skillbox
Useful for when you need to go from being chased by your enemies, to chasing them. Learn how to perform the air brake maneuver in combat, and reduce its Gumption cost.
Skill Category Flight
Requires Aerobatics
Unlocks none
Cost for 1st Level 5 FP
Cost for 2nd Level 15 FP
Cost for 3rd Level 40 FP
Cost for 4th Level 120 FP
Cost for 5th Level 380 FP

Need to immediately get behind that pirate on your 6? Imagine tossing a huge parachute out that cockpit window and quickly reeling it back in. That's an Airbrake.

Airbrake is perhaps the most commonly used Combat Maneuver. It briefly drops your speed to 1/2 of your plane's normal stall speed.

Combat Maneuver Recipe
Hotkey: 1
1st Keystroke SHIFT+
2nd Keystroke SHIFT+
3rd Keystroke SHIFT+
Known planes that cannot perform this maneuver none

Flight Aerobatics · Afterburner · Airbrake · Cartography · Flight License · Fuel Efficiency · Sideslip · Skyland Trust · Perception
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