The Skybrary
The Barrens
Unknown Land
View of The Barrens
General Info
Founded: Sometime between 0 BU and 207 AU
Population: Unknown, low due to scarcity of resources
Climate: Arid
Danger: Unknown
Industries: Unknown, possibly Religion and Agriculture
Exports: The Earthen Order
For Sale
Planes: None
Upgrades: None

Little is known about the Barrens, save that it is a dry, resource-poor group of Skylands that engendered the Earthen Order, a branch of which migrated to Skytopia in 207 AU.

The Hidden War

It is speculated by certain parties, Captain Remy among them, that the Hidden Fleet is blockading Skytopia to prevent access to the Barrens and the Courtlands for reasons unknown.[1]

Well-Known Skyrates from the Barrens


  1. Captain Remy's Visit to the R&P Tavern. [1], 4 June 2010.