The Skybrary

Automagically(adj) - Used to describe how you got back to Getty if you got stuck in the nether. "You'd be automagically transported back to Getty."

Borked (adj) - Broken

CBRB (acr) - Combat, be right back.

Cwned (slang, v) - Short for snowconed. (See below)

"Few days" - Phrase; created by Skyrates Development team- Usually means a few weeks. The definition comes from a time-phase when the development team warned all players that the 'reset' was near. However, the reset was held off for several weeks, thus leading to the non-anticipation of most players of the game when the word 'few' is teamed up with an amount of time.

Gettyed (v) - Stuck on a skyland because of some crazy bug. Coined for the first and most common skyland to display this bug.

Nippenbrau (n) - A catnip and grog blender that has hallucinogenic as well as intoxicating side effects. The brain child (and family recipe) of the famous Skip O'Doyle.

Snowconed (v) - Server or connection outage that caused the Moose with the snowcone message to be displayed.
