The Skybrary
Large External Cargo Hold
Upgrade Category: Wing Upgrades
Your cargo's so fat, when she sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house.
Armor (mm)
Armor Class
Ammo (rounds)
Cargo +50
Range -20%
Max Speed -20%
Stall Speed +20
Slots Required 5 Wing slot(s)
Price: 100,000Ģ
Availability: Aleut, Midgard, Alpha 12

Increases your plane's CKPH if its cargo is below 200. Typically only useful for Performance planes, due to its low absolute cargo increase and high wing slot requirement.

Combat Festival Candle · Increased Ammo · Mad Props · Mega Ammo · Shiny Red Light · Sleigh Bell · Super Ammo
Engine 4 Barrel Carburetor · 6 Barrel Carburetor · Boring Out · Coolant System · Efficiency Mod · High Efficiency Mod · High-Flow Air Filter · Internal Air Diversion Plates · Internal Fuel Can · Internal Fuel Tank · Larger Props · Port and Polish · R Sticker · Super Charger · Turbo Charger
Hull Additional Cargo Hold · Gutted Cargo Hold · Gutted Craft · Heavy Armor Plating · Internal Fuel Expansion · Large Internal Fuel Expansion · Light Armor Plating · Lightweight Shell · Med Armor Plating · Steel Reinforced Hull · Streamlined Hull · Wood Reinforced Hull
Wing Drop Tanks · High-Lift Wings · High-Performance Wings · Improved Wings · Large External Cargo Hold · Large External Fuel Tank · Med External Cargo Hold · Med External Fuel Tank · Small External Cargo Hold