The Skybrary
View of Midgard
General Info
Founded: ?
Population: 300,000
Climate: Temperate
Danger: Low
Industries: ?
For Sale
Planes: Hades, Bolo, Thunderbolt, Avenger
Upgrades: 4 Barrel Carburetor, Larger Props, Heavy Armor Plating, Large External Cargo Hold

Midgard is a peaceful and highly populated locale, and is well-known for the beautiful Lake Elivagar, which is cold and clear all year round.


Midgard was one of the first skylands to be completely settled after the Great Upheaval. Many of the settlers were from Asgard, capital of the Kingdom of Magnus, and they modeled their new home after the city they had loved. Midgard was heavily contested during the Principality Wars, and was the location chosen by Admiral Svendheim to establish the capital of his burgeoning Commonwealth.


Since 206 AU Midgard has hosted a stunt flying show during Birthday. Besides local Midgarians, many citizens from Shriebeck often attend.


Midgard is the realm of man in Norse mythology.

Well-known skyrates from Midgard[]

External links[]

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