The Skybrary

This article contains information on a defunct feature of the game and may not be representative of current features.

Base Chassis: Nova
Designed By: Xenos
Combat Firepower: 9
Armor: 6 mm
Maneuver: 13
Ammo: 1226 rounds
Trading Cargo: 21 crates
Range: 3143 km
Performance Max Speed: 1230 kph
Stall Speed: -34.5 kph
Acceleration: 405 kph/s
Includes Airdiversion Plates, Boring Out, Performance Kit, Combat Kit, Redesigned Wings C
Remaining Weight: 200 lbs
Price: approx. 9,001,306 Ģ

A customized Nova from SR2.3 that was designed by Xenos. The Paradox was based off of the redesigned version of the SR2.3 Tier 3 Nova, the Shooting Star. However it was reconfigured as an independent research project of the Echo Academy of Flight, with the sole purpose of achieving reverse flight and documenting the results. This craft was the first plane to achieve reverse flight since SR1 due to the addition of Kits in SR2.3. Since the Paradoxes construction all other planes having also achieved negative stall have been considered "Paradoxed".
