The Skybrary
Skyland Trust
Skyland Trust Skillbox
Gain the trust and admiration of the people. Grants access to new missions to win the hearts and minds of Skytopia.
Skill Category Flight
Requires Cartography, Flight License
Unlocks none
Cost for 1st Level 5 FP
Cost for 2nd Level 15 FP
Cost for 3rd Level 40 FP
Cost for 4th Level 120 FP
Cost for 5th Level 380 FP

Skyland Trust unlocks missions that offer more Influence and/or more G-squiggles (money). A list of these missions is being compiled at Mission Summary (click the "Skill" column to sort by "Skill"). Generally missions unlocked by this skill and Trade Prestige will give better influence per kilometer than missions that require none. Most very high cargo (transport) or kill count (combat) missions will require one of these skills.
