The Skybrary
Smuggling Skillbox
Know all the hiding places of your ship and how to escape the notice of the authorities. With this skill, if you're shot down in combat, you'll have less of your cargo stolen.
Skill Category Combat, Trade
Requires Black Market, Salvage Operations
Unlocks none
Cost for 1st Level 1 TP
Cost for 2nd Level 1 TP
Cost for 3rd Level 1 TP
Cost for 4th Level 1 TP
Cost for 5th Level 1 TP

Flight Aerobatics · Afterburner · Airbrake · Cartography · Flight License · Fuel Efficiency · Sideslip · Skyland Trust · Perception
FP/TP Tax Evasion
Trade Black Market · Creative Storage · Cutthroat Business · Farm Mogul · Industry Tycoon · Luxury Schmuxury · Negotiation · Trade License · Trade Prestige
TP/CP Salvage Operations · Smuggling
Combat Barrel Roll · Combat Infamy · Crack Shot · Eagle Eye · Gumption · Immelman · Loop · Precision Fire · Split S
FP/CP Wingover
All Leadership