The Skybrary
The Skybrary
View of Steppe
General Info
Founded: 0 A.U.
Population: 450,000
Climate: Lush, Green
Danger: Very Low
Industries: Wood Cutting, Paper Making, Farming, Fishing
Exports: Wood, Paper, Fish
For Sale
Planes: Marauder

Following the Upheaval, the few survivors clinging to the floating rocks of Steppe sent out small messenger planes they had salvaged in an attempt to contact other survivors. Heavy storms made the task difficult, but eventually contact was reestablished.


A steppe is a type of grass plain.

Well-known skyrates from Steppe[]

External links[]

Aleut ยท Arcadia ยท Cidade ยท Earthbreach ยท Echo ยท Eltsina ยท Fuseli ยท Getty ยท Goldenrod ยท Gonk ยท Grottopolis ยท Isla di Pisa ยท Islo ยท Jordan ยท Juliet ยท Kadath ยท Leng ยท Lhasa ยท Luz ยท Midgard ยท New Hovlund ยท Olio ยท Phillipia ยท Romeo ยท Sharif ยท Shriebeck ยท Steppe ยท Tehras ยท Tinkspoit ยท Tortuga ยท Uurwerk ยท Valvia ยท Volstoy

Alpha platforms: 1 ยท 2 ยท 3 ยท 4 ยท 5 ยท 6 ยท 7 ยท 8 ยท 9 ยท 10 ยท 11 ยท 12 ยท 13 ยท 14 ยท 15 ยท 16 ยท 17
Other regions: Barrens ยท Courtlands