The Skybrary

Heh, shouldn't this be the Gold faction? -- 11:43, 13 March 2008 (UTC)

Fly Abroad![]

Hey, Love here. If you've read the short tale of how I got my CR-4P, you'll notice I've invented a new Flight School program called "Fly Abroad!"

The general concept of this is similar to "study abroad" programs in most universities, that allow students to take courses and even complete degrees/certifications at other universities and even countries.

Obviously there aren't any notable other flight academies other than the one on Echo, but I figured there must be small schools and learning facilities on other skylands. Perhaps these could be manned by flight school faculty as well, with a professor/assistant professor on duty at certain skylands (doesn't have to be all of them).

The program is designed for honor students that have not graduated yet, who wish to obtain real world combat and cultural experiences, and for graduate students seeking to enrich their diplomas with another certification.

My idea is that there will be regular reports (by telegram? or letter, etc) to the student's host professor at Echo, and at the culmination of the 1-3 year program the student will submit a giant paper not unlike a thesis, and present it to the entire school, or perhaps the graduating class of that year.

I don't know how canon this is, so I didn't put it in the actual page yet. If any of the rest of you are interested, it would be nice if we could agree on an intrepid Professor to host this program, as well as possibly any offsite faculty that run the study posts at various skylands.

(love) 18:38, 3 April 2009 (UTC)